Since this is a personal website the GDPR does not apply to it, see Recital 18 of the GDPR.
However the following information is collected:
- Webserver access logs (apache common log format), including:
- IP address
- userid - only for logged on users with login account for this website
- Date/time/timezone
- The request (including page)
- Status Code (e.g. 200 for success)
- Bytes returned
- Webserver error logs: Content varies depending on error, includes IP address if the error is related to a request
- Received email, log entries relating to this may include:
- IP address
- From email address
- Recipient email address
- Note that this info will typically also be available in the email (if the email is accepted)
- Received email itself - The recipient may download this and/or leave it on the server. It is kept until the recipient chooses to delete it.
- Other server logs: May include IP address and account being accessed (whether successful or not). Typically you will only be recorded in these logs if you are illegally attempting to access the server.
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Copyright © 2018 Allan Charlton